Saturday, August 10, 2013

Fun with Paint

The last week has been so much fun. We got to spend time with my Mommaw, my cousins Savanna, Sierra & Liam. It's amazing just how much family really does mean. With everyone being so busy, I feel as if we don't always take the time to 'smell the coffee'. We wanted to do something fun and original for Savanna's 9th birthday. Sure we did the traditional cake, ice cream and gift giving, but what's a 9th birthday without Splatter Paint?
Can you tell they had an amazing time? This was at the end of the Splatter Party
 (Left to Right; Sierra, Joyce {my mama}, & Savanna)

 She really did have a blast and wanted to do it again! 

 I do strongly advise using goggles; however my girls didn't want too! 

Yes, splatter paint sessions are available. They are considered mini sessions. The cost is $75, because the session is so much fun, I do not typically put a time limit on them. However because of the nature of this session we cannot do these at public parks etc. We must do these on private property. We did ours in my moms front yard, once it rained the paint was washed away. Also please be aware that this paint does stain. We only use non-toxic liquid Tempera Paint. If you would like more information please email me at

*To other photographers, while I do encourage you to try this sometime. Please do not use powder paint. Not only can it harm your lens and camera, but it can be potentially dangerous to your clients. They breath in the powder which could cause asthma attack or other complications. Also its been said that this powder taste terrible.*

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