Monday, December 30, 2013


In June of '13, my mom tripped and broke her toe. For most people that's not such a big deal other than it hurts.
However my mom is a diabetic. So everything is a big deal. Anyway in October we found out that mom's toe, more specifically the bone in her big toe was infected. She needed to have surgery and then six weeks of daily infusions. The surgery went well, they only had to remove a portion of the bone in her toe. Then on November 1, 2013 we started infusion care in our town. We were both dreading it more than anything, (1) because we would have to sit for three hours straight and (2) it meant sitting in a hospital type facility. Who wants to do that?

Anyway before I continue to ramble for hours...we met some of the most amazing women. All of the nurses were just fabulous. We built friendships that will last a life time. Emily is one of my moms nurses. She and I connected and have became friends. I am so grateful for Emily and the other nurses. Emily is a such a joyful lady and she was definitely called to be a nurse. I enjoyed meeting her boys and her fiance'. Enjoy their preview


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